Message Chalk Boards – 1

Let me first wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year ahead 🙂

I made a few chalk board fridge magnets a while back. Here is a not-so-great picture of those.

Chalk board fridge magnets

Can you see the Heart that I have written with chalk?! 😀

Here is a very simple way of making a chalk board paint at home:

You will need:

One part of water

Two parts of Plaster of Paris (PoP)

Three parts of Acrylic paint (any colour of your choice)


Mix all these three ingredients and voila! your chalk board paint is ready to use. Apply it on any surface you like. Let it dry. Apply two or three more layers depending upon the look of the surface and your DIY chalk board is ready…

You will see that I have used only black paint and the reason is not just that Black is one of my favourite colours but also because I made a lot of chalk board paint and I din’t want to waste it… 😆  😆

TIP: Keep fan off while working with this paint as due to PoP, this paint dries up fast. Dexterity will help 😉

Here are some more chalk boards that I created. Have a look:


This one is my favourite :)

This one is my favourite 🙂

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Hope you like these… there are some more in making. Will share in a few days!

Till then “Happy Crafting” and stay safe 🙂
